Our District of Optimist International proudly recognizes the accomplishments of the club(s) shown below. Each quarter, we will showcase one or more outstanding clubs in our District as recognition for the tremendous accomplishments of their members. To view all clubs in our District, and learn about the tremendous impact each has made the youth in their community, also visit our clubs section.
Optimist Club of Frederick
Chartered in March 1947 the Frederick Optimist Club of Frederick is Maryland's oldest Optimist Club in the MDSD district. We are based in the City of Frederick, Maryland. The Frederick Optimist Club works as a "Friend of Youth" in Frederick County, Maryland.
The club's programs include a yearly Talent Show, Youth Appreciation Week Scholarships, Essay and Oratorical Contests, Fish with a Cop, Respect for Law, and Shop with a Cop
7th District Optimist Club
Since 1967, the 7th District Optimist Club has followed the "Friend of Youth" motto by both sponsoring and holding youth and senior citizen activities and fundraisers. Funds raised by the club are returned to the community by way of sponsoring youth sports teams, offering scholarship opportunities through contests and essays, as well as charitable contributions made to civic and municipal groups.
The club’s programs include the annual Halloween Party, Easter Egg Hunt, Shop with a Cop, Fishing Derby, Just Say No and Project Graduation.
Sorry, no featured clubs exist at this time. |