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District Positions Available

Leadership Opportunities for Optimists

This year’s leadership development chair unfortunately due to personal reasons is unable to continue with the duties. We need someone to step forward and assume the duties. We have individuals who will assist you should you choose to volunteer for this. It would be a great help to me and our team. The duties are as follows.
PURPOSE: To plan, promote and conduct the training of Club and District leaders making them more effective leaders. To cultivate and encourage future Optimist leaders.
PERSONNEL: Good teaching skills are important for members of this Committee. A dedication to seeking quality presenters and a variety of topics is important. The Committee shall consist of four members, one serving a three year term, one serving a two year term, one serving a one year term and one being the Governor-Elect. In addition the Committee should consist of not more than two qualified past District leaders (i. e. Past Governor or Past Lieutenant Governor) and at least one qualified Past President.
• To plan, promote and conduct the training at:
• District Convention for Presidents-Elect, Lieutenant Governors-Elect, and Club Secretary-Treasurers-Designate
• District Quarterly Conferences for leaders and members
• To promote forthcoming training events utilizing the District Bulletin, email, District Web-site or other methods.
• To work closely with the District Candidate Qualification Committee to seek the best qualified candidates for District Offices.
ACTION PLANS: As a Committee, make a concentrated effort to plan, organize and carry out effective pre-service and in-service training opportunities.
a) What is going to be done?
b) Who is going to do it?
c) When is it going to be completed?
Please let me know if you are interested in this position. Thanks for your help.
Bill Stone
Home: 301-884-2358
Cell: 240-925-0341
The District is looking for volunteers for the positions listed below. If you are interested in or have questions about a position please contact us for further information.

Sorry, no positions are currently available at the district level.

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